Friday, August 24, 2007

Email Subscriptions

So why does this course have a blog? Well, why is anything anything?

A blog (short for “web log”) is a website that works like a journal – users write posts that are sorted by date based on when they were written. You can find important course information (like assignments, due dates, reading schedules, etc.) on the blog. I’ll also be updating the blog throughout the semester, posting interesting items related to the stuff we’re currently discussing in class. I used a blog in courses I taught in the past, and it seemed helpful. Hopefully it can benefit our course, too.

Since I’ll be updating the blog a lot throughout the semester, you should check it frequently. There are, however, some convenient ways to do this without simply going to the blog each day. The best way to do this is by getting an email subscription, so any new blog post I write automatically gets emailed to you. (You can also subscribe to the rss feed, if you know what that means.) To get an email subscription:

1. Go to

2. At the main page, enter your email address at the top of the right column (under “EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION: Enter your Email”) and click the "Subscribe me!" button.

3. This will take you to a new page. Follow the directions under #2, where it says “To help stop spam, please type the text here that you see in the image below. Visually impaired or blind users should contact support by email.” Once you typed the text, click the "Subscribe me!" button again.

4. You'll then get an email regarding the blog subscription. (Check your spam folder if you haven’t received an email after a day.) You have to confirm your registration. Do so by clicking on the "Click here to activate your account" link in the email you receive.

5. This will bring you to a page that says "Your subscription is confirmed!" Now you're subscribed.

If you are unsure whether you've subscribed, ask me (609-980-8367; I can check who's subscribed and who hasn't.
i iz blogginz / leef I alonze

Friday, August 10, 2007

Course Details

Introduction to Symbolic Logic
Rowan University, Fall 2007
Philosophy 09130, Section 04

Tuesdays: 6:30—9:00 p.m., Robinson 210

Instructor: Sean Landis
Office Hours: by appointment (my schedule is very flexible)
Phone: 609-980-8367

Required Text
The Logic Book, 4th edition with CD-ROM (Merrie Bergman, James Moor & Jack Nelson)

About the Course
This course is designed to introduce students to formal philosophical systems of logic. We first go over useful tools of logic, such as the notion of truth preservation and methods for evaluating deductive arguments. We then learn two systems of logic: (1) propositional and (2) predicate. We focus particular attention on translating English sentences into these formal systems. We then apply the tools of logic learned during the first part of the course to particular statements and arguments within these formal systems. We focus particular attention on learning and following logical derivations of new statements from sets of old statements.

Quizzes 1 and 2: 50 points each (100 points total)
Exams 1 and 2: 200 points each (400 points total)
Final Exam: 300 points
Homework: 15 points each (150 points total)
Attendance/Participation: 50 points
Total Possible Points: 1000

A+ = 967-1000 total points
A = 934-966 total points
A- = 900-933 total points
B+ = 867-899 total points
B = 834-866 total points
B- = 800-833 total points
C+ = 767-799 total points
C = 734-766 total points
C- = 700-733 total points
D+ = 667-699 total points
D = 634-666 total points
D- = 600-633 total points
F = below 600 total points

Quizzes: Quizzes will not be cumulative. That is, quiz #1 will test you on everything covered during the first 4 weeks of class, and quiz #2 will test you on everything covered after exam #1 (weeks 7 through 9). Quizzes will last 20 minutes, and be held at the beginning of class on the scheduled day.

Exams 1 & 2: Strictly speaking, the first two exams and the quizzes will not be cumulative. That is, exam #1 will test you on everything covered during the first third of the course, and exam #2 will test you only on what we cover after exam #1. These exams will last about 60 minutes on the scheduled day.

Make-up exams or quizzes will only be scheduled for any excused absences (excused absences include religious observance, official university business, and illness or injury – with a doctor’s note). An unexcused absence on the day of the exam or quiz will result in a zero on that exam or quiz.

Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative. That is, the final exam will test you on everything covered throughout the entire course—not simply what is covered after exam #2. The final exam will be longer than the first two exams. You will have the full 2 ½ hours of class time to take the final exam.

Homework Assignments: There will be eleven total homework assignments. Each one is due at the beginning of class the day they are due. I will not accept homework at any other time, unless you have an excused absence. Usually, homework will consist of problems from the textbook. Occasionally, however, I will hand out a homework worksheet. There are eleven homework assignments, but only ten will count toward your final grade. The lowest homework grade will be dropped.

Logic can be difficult. In order for most students to fully understand the material (and do well on the tests), I do not believe it is enough to simply attend class and work on the relatively few homeworks assigned. Looking at the schedule, you will see that there is assigned reading for each class. You should come to class having already read what will be discussed that day. It may seem confusing to you when you are first reading it, but it will give you a much better chance of understanding what is going on during class.

You should also work on additional, unassigned problems on your own. The best way to do this is to work on the a, c, e, g, … problems in the textbook, and check your answers with the solution CD-ROM. I strongly encourage using the CD-ROM. It does an excellent job of explaining how to approach and work through logic problems.

Classroom Policies
Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students found guilty of either will definitely fail the test, quiz, or homework assignment – and possibly the entire class. NOTE: Working with fellow students on homework assignments is not cheating. Copying a fellow student’s completed homework assignment is cheating. (Come to me if you are unsure what constitutes cheating or plagiarism.)

Disability Accommodations:
If you have special requirements let me know as soon as possible so we can make all necessary arrangements. Disability status is confidential and should be discussed in private with the instructor once you have done the appropriate verification procedures.

Course Schedule

September 4
-introduction to class
-intro to logic & truth preservation (no reading)

September 11
-statements: logical truth, falsity and indeterminacy (read sections 1.1—1.3)
-sets: consistency (read section 1.6)

September 18
-arguments: validity, soundness, “crazy cases” of validity (read sections 1.4 and 1.7)
-chapter 1 review & intro to propositional logic (read section 2.1)
Homework #1 due

September 25
-QUIZ #1; propositional logic: negation (~), and conjunction (&) (read section 2.1)
-propositional logic: disjunction (v), conditional (→), and biconditional (↔) (read section 2.1)
Homework #2 due

October 2
-propositional logic: translation wrap-up
-propositional logic: complicated translations (read section 2.2)
Homework #3 due

October 9
-truth tables: truth functional truth, falsity, indeterminacy (read sections 3.1—3.2)
-truth tables: truth functional consistency (read section 3.4)
Homework #4 due

October 9
-truth tables: truth functional validity (read section 3.5)
-Review for Exam
Homework #5 due

October 16
-EXAM #1
-introduction to derivations (read section 5.1)

October 23
-derivations (read section 5.1)
-applying derivation rules (read section 5.2)
Homework #6 due

October 30
-strategies for constructing derivations (read section 5.4)
-strategies for constructing derivations continued
Homework #7 due
You Betzler
November 6
ELECTION DAY (no class)

November 13

-QUIZ #2; derivations wrap-up
-introduction to predicate logic (read sections 7.1—7.3)
Homework #8 due

November 20
-predicate logic: introduction to quantifiers
-predicate logic: existential and universal claims and formal syntax (read section 7.4—7.5)
Homework #9 due

November 27
-predicate logic: multiple quantifiers (read section 7.8)
-review for Exam #2
Homework #10 due

December 4
-EXAM #2
-derivation in predicate logic (read sections 10.1—10.2)

December 11
-strategies for predicate logic derivations (read section 10.4)
-strategies for predicate logic derivations continued
Homework #11 due

December 17—21
FINAL EXAM: Time, date, and location to be announced
not much, you?